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Hi, my name is
Page Sieffert

Movement and Dance shaped my life.

Through every spin, every plie, every breath, it held me when life was joyous and painful. Movement is my soul food, my therapist, my lover, the truest expression of who I am.


I have spent countless hours studying, shapeshifting, and translating movement since I was a child. I found it natural to share what I know to facilitate transformation in others. The number of hours I have spent teaching and studying my craft over the past 25 years seems like a moment in time.


That I am excited each day to learn more, study more, and teach more is a gift.  


My students are my greatest teachers. 


I have seen how movement taught with intelligence and integrity can heal someone so they can pick up their children or perform in an elite event. I have seen how being present as a teacher and truly listening to the needs of my  students, I can become a healer.


One of my greatest passions is guiding those who want to become Instructors. I love watching the evolution of each trainee as they grow into their own unique way of sharing this incredible work, focusing on health and wellness based in the mind, body, and spirit.


The studio is my sanctuary and I am grateful to have taken my passion and evolve into my life’s work.

My History:


  • Danced with Joffrey Ballet and Pacific Northwest Ballet until 20 years old

  • Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing for Bodywork

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • PhysicalMind Institute Pilates Certification

  • Ayurvedic Institute of New Mexico Diet and Lifestyle Practitioner

  • Trained movie stars in The Last Samurai and Collateral

  • Ashtanga Yoga Certification

  • Vinyasa Yoga Certification with Max Strom, Saul David Ray, Shiva Rae

  • Ayuryoga Practitioner

  • Restorative Yoga Certification with Jane Fryer

  • GYROTONIC® Method Certified

  • Balanced Body Master Instructor

  • Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher

  • Creator of Pilates and the Five Elements…How to Integrate Ayurveda into your Pilates Practice


And too many workshops and continuing education to list…


Jenni Roberts

Jenni comenzó las clases de Pilates en 2006 en Minneapolis, MN. Necesitaba asumir la responsabilidad de su salud, pero odiaba "hacer ejercicio". Jenni se enamoró de inmediato del Pilates clásico. La práctica mostró resultados rápidamente y comenzó a transformar su cuerpo y mente. Pilates se convirtió en un punto focal y un punto brillante en su vida.


Jenni se inscribió en el programa Align Pilates Teacher Training en 2008 y se graduó con una Certificación de Pilates Clásica totalmente integral de 650 horas en 2009. Inmediatamente fue contratada en Align, y con los años se involucró en la formación de maestros.


Jenni ha estado enseñando a tiempo completo desde 2009 y sabe que es un honor y un privilegio. Enseña con precisión, humor y buen ojo para la alineación. Jenni está extremadamente entusiasmada por compartir su experiencia y amor por la práctica de Pilates debido a lo que ha hecho por ella y lo que ha visto que hace por los demás.


Jenni ha pasado horas continuando su educación cada año, incluido el tiempo en el Centro de Pilates en Boulder, CO. Ha participado en algunos entrenamientos de Cuerpo Equilibrado, y también una Certificación de Practicantes de Pranassage del Instituto de Yoga Nosara en 2011.

Meet My Team


Kari Skaflen

Kari comenzó a tomar clases de Pilates en colchoneta en un YMCA local de Chicago en 2008. Poco a poco, notó que se sentía diferente: más fuerte, concentrada e incluso un poco más alta. Muchos inviernos fríos después, dio el paso y se inscribió en la formación de profesores de Balanced Body con Page Sieffert en Pilates Nosara.


Kari ha enseñado en Chicago, Denver, Panamá y Costa Rica. Su pasión es ayudar a otros a descubrir el movimiento y la conciencia corporal a través de Pilates que pueden llevar al resto de sus vidas. Está encantada de estar de regreso en Nosara enseñando con un equipo tan increíble.


Ali Leonard

Ali is a dancer, student of movement, and body engineer.  Formerly an electrical computer engineer, Ali found pilates as the perfect blend of her love of movement and an analytical approach to the body.  She believes that our bodies are beautifully infinite and offers guidance to students at any stage of their movement journey. 


Ali trained in Pilates through Balanced Body, a modern, functional training program. She is also certified in the Gyrotonic Expansion System and offers private sessions in Gyro as well as mixed Pilates / Gyro privates. These two methods complement each other well—Gyrotonic provides fascial stretching, while Pilates focuses on resistance strength training. Both practices enhance full-body coordination, connection, and functionality, and benefit everything from sports performance to everyday movement.


Ali is a Level 1 Franklin Method Instructor. She studied anatomy with Tom Meyers via full body live dissection. She has studied and practiced a wide range of Dance, Somatic and Functional movement methodologies and brings her love of movement to all of her classes. 


Diane McFerran

Diane’s first introduction to Pilates was at a Seattle studio the year she graduated from college. In search of a fitness routine that was effective, interesting, and engaged the mind and body, she stumbled upon a reformer class and never looked back. Five years later, Diane’s Pilates instructor encouraged her to get certified to teach the method she clearly loved so much.


Diane worked with Rael Isacowitz at BASI and completed her Comprehensive Pilates Teacher certification in 2006. In 2009, Diane wanted to deepen her knowledge. She joined the Pilates Master Mentor Program with Lolita San Miguel, one of only two living people who was certified by Joseph Pilates himself. For two years, Diane worked with Lolita to train in classical methodology and became a second-generation Pilates teacher by completing the program in 2011. She has taken many hours of continuing education in movement, anatomy and working with special populations.


Diane has owned multiple Pilates studios in the US, taught at schools and athletic clubs, and is excited to join the team at Pilates Nosara now! When she’s not teaching sessions or managing the studio, you can find her surfing with her husband or playing with her three-legged dog, Skeeter.

Carolina mora

En el 2006 se graduó como licenciada en terapia física en la Universidad Santa Paula.

Posteriormente fue Docente de la misma facultad para estudiantes de bachillerato y licenciatura.

En el año 2009 ingreso como estudiante en “Pilates en Polestar Pilates International Miami” para el área de Rehabilitación, estudios que concluyó y aprobó en el 2011.

En el 2012 obtuvo su maestría en Rehabilitación Funcional de la Persona Adulta Mayor en la USP con la que empieza a trabajar como instructora de Pilates en Balance Center, (Centro de acondicionamiento físico) y tres años después asciende a Directora de Pilates.

Actualmente continúa con su carga y es además copropietaria y Directora de Pilates Lab Fitness y Wellness en Santa Ana, Costa Rica.


Bodhi Street, Nosara 50206, Costa Rica

+506 8663 7354

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